Where are you shopping for?

Dear customers, please read carefully the Terms of Use of the ApollloWine e-shop. They set forth the relationship between you and us, concerning  your purchases. You are bound to them untill visiting our website.


In case you have any questions, please read the  “Frequently Asked Questions”. If you can't find the information you are looking for there - please contact us at :


Welcome to www.apollowine.com !


Using www.apollowine.com you are obliged to accept these Terms&Conditions which may be updated or changed by us without notice.

By using www.apollowine.com you declare and guarantee that you are at least 18 years old at the moment of use.

If you do not agree with these Terms&Conditions , you are not authorised to use this site.

The current Terms&Conditions governs the detailed procedures, methods and rules of sales on www.apollowine.com, owned by "APOLLOWINE" Ltd. These "Terms& Conditions" constitute a contract of sale between APOLLOWINE.COM and the Customer. APOLLOWINE.COM submit the Client an opportunity to buy offered online products by placing an online order and paying the corresponding sale price as the Client is obliged to accept and observe the current Terms&Conditions.The Client can place valid orders for purchasing goods from our online store www.apollowine.com only after declaring acceptance of the current "Terms &Conditions" which is considered to be bound with the terms and agrees to comply with them.

APOLLOWINE.COM reserves the right to change the current "Terms&Conditions" at any time without notice. Due to changes in the current "Terms&Conditions"the Client can declare unacceptance by sending his/her statement of refusing the changes to the following  e-mail: wine@apollowine.com. Obtaining the explicit statement of refusal shall be deemed to terminatе the contract ( Client-Apollowine). Changes in "Terms&Conditions" does not affect the relations between the Client and Apollowine.com in case of already valid order placed before the changes.


1. General conditions

According to the current "Terms&Conditions" the following names are used with the the meaning below:

“APOLLOWINE” Ltd is a company registered in the Commercial Registry at the Registry Agency with EIK: 200145542 with address of headquarters and management Bulgaria, Sofia, 139, St.st. Kiril and Metodi str. Offering online sale of products on www.apollowine.com


  www.apollowine.com is a web site for online sale of products and services offered by Apollowine Ltd ( in brief APOLLOWINE.COM)

“ Products and services offered by Apollowine Ltd. means:

       * wine under the Law of wine and spirits;

       * vаuchers for trainings, events, tastings and online shopping of products;

       * accessories and packaging items


All of the items is described by its characteristics and sale price. APOLLOWINE.COM is not responsible in case of inaccurate information provided by the producer or the distributor/ importer.

“Client”is an individual or a company placed a valid order or registered a client’s profile on www.apollowine.com and accepts the current “Terms & Conditions”. By placing an order the Client as an individual declare and confirm that he/she is over 18 years old. APOLLOWINE.COM reserves the right to refuse an order in case of suspicion of the clients age.

“Client’s profile” is information about the Client ( name, family name/ company name, address, telephone, e-mail, etc.) submitted by the Client when placing an order or subscribing and saved by APOLLOWINE.COM for the purpose of the services that APOLLOWINE provides.

By using this web site you declare to take responcibility of managing your profile and password and save access to your computer. The clients profile is accessible by entering username and password and allows himself to manage and update his data entered on registration, to access the full information on all his orders on www.apollowine.com, to change his password, to subscribe or unsubscribe for APOLLOWINE Newsletter. The client is responsible for all changes occurred after using his/her password or profile. Dokadi Ltd is not responsible for lost or damaged information as a result of failure of your responsibilities and obligations due to these “Terms&Conditions”

To buy a product or to use a service offered on this web site, you have to register and/ or to provide the required information. By entering of any information on this web site  you declare and guarantee that (1) you are at least 18 years old; (2) you use your real individuality; (3) you have provided only accurate, correct, current and full information, and (4) you will maintain and timely update your information to keep it accurate, correct, current and full.


Electronic communication

When visiting our web site, you buy products or services through the site you communicate with us electronically or virtually. We will communicate with you by e-mail, phone call or update on the web site too. By using the web site you accept that all notes, news and other kind of communication which we provide online corresponds to all law requirements that this communication equals to the written form.


2. Placing an order

To place an order for the offered products and services from www.apollowine.com the Client is required to provide a certain information of to register ( by filling in a registration form) and to declare his/her consent of the current “Terms& Conditions”.

In case of order or registration ( sign-in) the Client provide the following information: for individuals – name, family name, telephone, address and e-mail, for companies – company name, responsible person, EIK, telephone, address and e-mail. By entering any kind of information on this web site you declare and guarantee that (1) you are at least 18 years old; (2) you use your real individuality; (3) you have provided only accurate, correct, current and full information, and (4) you will maintain and timely update your information to keep it accurate, correct, current and full, (5) you accept the general “Terms & Conditions”on www.apollowine.com by noting “I accept the general Terms& Conditions for purchasing products & services on APOLLOWINE.COM”.

APOLLOWINE.COM immediately confirm your request to accept the current Terms &Conditions by sending you an e-mail to the provided by the client e-mail address which consist of the full text of the current APOLLOWINE Terms& Conditions.


7. Privacy and security terms

APOLLOWINE.COM ( APOLLOWINE  Ltd) respects your privacy and seeks to protect your personal data. The following information describes how we gather and use data. The amount of information APOLLOWINE.COM holds on you and how it uses it depends on your relationship with APOLLOWINE.COM and on what service you use, so some of the sections below may not be relevant to you.


What we use your personal information for

APOLLOWINE.COM (APOLLOWINE  Ltd) collects and uses your information to administer, support, improve and obtain feedback on our services and to detect and prevent faults, breaches of our network security, the law or our contract terms. If you are registered to use a service we may contact you to obtain feedback on that service and any improvements we could make to it.


Further information/marketing

You have a right to ask us at any time not to contact you by way of direct marketing. You can do this by contacting wine@Apollowine.com with the words "personal details" in the subject line. 

Personal Information APOLLOWINE.COM collects

APOLLOWINE.COM collects and updates information about users of its services. It may obtain this information via direct contact with you, from third parties such as other users and automatically via your use of our services.


Information you/others give us

This information includes your contact details, registration and payment details, support problems, details around participation in events, surveys and certain relevant details of your preferences. 

Storage methods and duration

Deliveries should be signed for as `Not Examined' and you should inspect the goods as soon as possible and notify us immediately of breakages or wine shortages. We are unable to guarantee credit or replacements unless we are notified within 3 days of delivery of the order. Please be aware that multi-case orders can become separated. If you do not receive the balance of your order within 3 working days of the first delivery please contact us. Standard BG deliveries should always arrive within 2 working days of the date of order. If you will not be at the delivery address at the time of delivery and wish us to leave your order in a safe place, please advise us. We regret that neither we nor our carriers can accept responsibility for any subsequent loss or damage which occurs once the consignment has been left. Contact us on +359 898 701183 or e-mail: wine@Apollowine.com

All expences for international returned orders are covered by the client.


Information we collect via our services

If you are a registered user of APOLLOWINE.COM services, APOLLOWINE.COM also gathers information about your use of our services, such as generic types of data accessed, times and volume of use of the services and Traffic Data from the use of our Website. Traffic Data includes logs, details of networks, data and systems accessed details of the sender and recipients of messages sent over our services, times and location of log on or access, duration of sessions, click stream and similar usage or system data. Traffic Data may sometimes be traceable to/related to not just companies but named individuals. Before you register with APOLLOWINE.COM for access to membership areas of our web site, you can browse www.Apollowine.com anonymously.

Upon request we provide site visitors with access to all information including proprietary information that we maintain about them (but not other users unless required to do so by law) including unique identifier information ( e. g. customer number or password) and contact information (e.g. name, address, hone number). Users can access this information by e-mailing to us. Upon request we offer visitors the ability to have inaccuracies corrected by providing such correct details to APOLLOWINE.COM or where available by changing their registered details online. 


How we use your information

For each visitor to www.Apollowine.com web site, APOLLOWINE.COM Web server automatically recognizes the users’ domain name. We also collect the e-mail addresses of those who communicate with us via e-mail and aggregate information on what pages users’ access or visit. Information volunteered by the user such as survey information and/or site registrations is also collected. The information we collect is used primarily for internal review and to improve the content of our Website & services. It is also used to notify users about updates to our services. This information is not shared with other organizations for commercial purposes. If you do not want to receive e-mail from us in the future, please let us know by sending an e-mail to wine@Apollowine.com

If you do receive unwanted email from us all our correspondence offers clear instructions on how to opt out. If you supply us with your postal address or telephone number you may receive periodic mailings or calls from us with information on new products and services or upcoming events. If you do not wish to receive such updates, please let us know by or e-mailing us at wine@apollowine.com


Storage methods and duration

Deliveries should be signed for as `Not Examined' and you should inspect the goods as soon as possible and notify us immediately of breakages or wine shortages. We are unable to guarantee credit or replacements unless we are notified within 3 days of delivery of the order. Please be aware that multi-case orders can become separated. If you do not receive the balance of your order within 3 working days of the first delivery please contact us. Standard BG deliveries should always arrive within 2 working days of the date of order. If you will not be at the delivery address at the time of delivery and wish us to leave your order in a safe place, please advise us. We regret that neither we nor our carriers can accept responsibility for any subsequent loss or damage which occurs once the consignment has been left. Contact us on +359 898701183 or e-mail: wine@Apollowine.com


Passing your information to third parties

Except where the law permits or unless you specifically agree, APOLLOWINE.COM (APOLLOWINE  Ltd) does not sell or rent your personal data to others outside APOLLOWINE.COM (APOLLOWINE  Ltd). We do not share or sell our customer list to any third party.

E-mail alerts, notices and newsletters

APOLLOWINE.COM (APOLLOWINE  Ltd) offers the opportunity for you to receive an e-mail newsletter or other notifications in relation to products being advertised on the APOLLOWINE.COM website or new services being offered. You can at any time choose to stop receiving e-mail alerts or newsletters by following the instructions on the alert, notification or e-newsletter or by e-mailing wine@Apollowine.com.



Interception of mail

APOLLOWINE.COM (APOLLOWINE  Ltd) may intercept email addressed to individuals within APOLLOWINE.COM. The reasons we do this are related to security of APOLLOWINE.COM (APOLLOWINE  Ltd), its staff and others, for detection and prevention of crime and to identify correct recipients or to make sure mail is dealt with during staff absence. APOLLOWINE.COM (APOLLOWINE  Ltd) may reject, delay or remove content from emails which have a nature, content or attachments which may disrupt APOLLOWINE.COM's systems or because they may pose security issues such as viruses.
APOLLOWINE.COM may also filter out emails which contain certain content on the basis that content is offensive or the email is unwanted or spam. In certain circumstances this may unfortunately result in "innocent" emails being affected, but APOLLOWINE.COM does try to reduce such occurrences.


APOLLOWINE.COM has developed strict policies governing information technology. These cover areas such as access control, authentication, audit, monitoring, alarms, data storage and back up and transmission standards and environment integrity. APOLLOWINE.COM (APOLLOWINE  Ltd) will use reasonable endeavors to install and have appropriate security measures in place in APOLLOWINE.COM's facilities to protect against the loss, misuse or alteration of information that APOLLOWINE.COM (APOLLOWINE  Ltd) has collected from you at APOLLOWINE.COM's site.
We use the finest encryption systems available to ensure your credit card details are sent in a secure format. We make use of ........software for our encryption.

As an additional security precaution we do not store any credit card details on our website.

Name of company

www.APOLLOWINE.COM is owned and managed by APOLLOWINE  Ltd with registration address Bulgaria, Sofia 1309, 139 St.st. Kiril and Metodij Str, apt.8. SIC ( Single Identical Code): 200145542



If you have any questions about APOLLOWINE.COM (APOLLOWINE  Ltd) privacy/data protection policy or the use of data in a particular service, you should write to wine@apollowine.com. The law allows you to write and ask to see and correct the information held about you, although this may require payment of a reasonable fee.